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Novelty Ties Inspired by the Art of Famous Artist Pablo Picasso
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There are many different styles of neckties to choose from. There are animal print styles, catchy sayings and phases, and even depictions from many famous painters, including Pablo Picasso. In fact, Picasso designed neck ties are one of the most famous and popular designs available, more so than Salvador Dali, Rembrandt, or even Michelangelo.
Famous Artwork Rendered on Neckwear
You can find an abundance of different neckwear inspired from Pablo Picasso, from contemporary designs like the Woman Playing Guitar, from his 1924 painting, or the Harlequin Leaning on His Elbow, based on his painting from 1901. There are even reprints of his more abstract and disturbing works, like The Smoker from 1969, and even ones by other artists who have been inspired by this famous painter.
One of these is the Abstract Picasso Woman, designed from a water color painting by Matilde Caceres-Zelinger, from Texas. This tie design is printed in brilliant colors and is ideal for any person with great taste. Another Picasso inspired necktie is the “Picasso” Apple, which is a digital collage of the original photo of a lopsided apple, inspired by many of Picasso‘s odd renderings. There are also many others to choose from, including many different reprints of original paintings.
Places to Purchase
So the question you may be asking is where you can get one of the Picasso inspired ties, and how much they cost. Well you may be able to find a few of them at department stores; however for the best selection and prices, it is a good idea to start online. There are many necktie manufacturers that have a wide selection of famous artist’s designs, including Ralph Marlin. These are available in silk or polyester, or even a mixture of materials, and are very reasonably priced.
For example, the Three Musicians, from 1921, is a brilliantly colored rendition made from silk and is reasonably priced. The Picasso Portrait Ovals collector necktie is black and white, and is filled with small ovals of Picasso‘s self portrait, available in polyester, for under $20 dollars. There are many other styles to choose from as well. In order to get the best deals it is a good idea to shop around, since prices may vary. Also be sure to check for other costs as well, such as shipping, taxes, and even exchange rates. Some companies provide free shipping, for orders over a certain amount.
When choosing an online dealer, make sure you read all the fine print. Check for their return policies, and any guarantees that may be offered. It may also be a good idea to also check with one of the online auction houses. There are many deals there you may not find anywhere else. One thing of concern with auction houses is that many ties may not be brand new, which is not a problem if they are in excellent condition.
So if you want to stand out from the crowd, express your own style, or even show your appreciation for fine art, do it with Picasso inspired neckwear. Each is unique, is available in black and white or color, and will definitely set you apart from the rest of the office. Not only do men’s ties represent many of Picasso‘s famous works, but they also make for a unique topic around the water cooler.
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