Attention Deficit Disorder ADD – Positive Traits

October 6th, 2010 No Comments   Posted in Salvador Dalí

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Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.), also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (A.D.H.D.) has many positive traits. It can be viewed in a positive light involving a different method of learning and involving greater risk taking and creativity.

Positive A.D.D. Traits:

1. Creativity – They are very creative. They need an outlet to be creative. They think outside the box. They brainstorm, and find creative solutions to problems. Because of their flexible way of thinking about things, they tend to be more open minded, independent, and ready to improvise.

2. Enthusiasm and spontaneity – They are free spirits with lively minds, qualities that make for good company and stimulating conversation. Their enthusiasm and spontaneous approach to life can be infectious.

3. A quick mind – They have the ability to think on their fee, quickly absorb new information, as long as it is interesting. They multitask with ease. Their rapid fire minds thrive on stimulation. They adapt well to change and are great in a crisis.

4. High energy level – They have lots of energy. When their attention is captured by something that interest them, they can have virtually unlimited stamina and drive.

5. Hyperfocus – They are able to focus for long periods of time on tasks or projects that they find interesting. This single minded ability to hyperfocus can lead to significant accomplishments, discoveries, and creative breakthroughs.

6. Sensitivity – They are very sensitive, although they may appear to be the exact opposite.

7. Intuition – They are very intuitive. It may be difficult to prove what they know in their gut is correct.

8. Intelligence _ They are very intelligent, although test may not prove it. Non A.D.D. people do not understand A.D.D.

Some famous people who were either diagnosed with A.D.D. or strongly displayed signs of A.D.D. include: Beethoven, Richard Branson, Andrew Carnegie, Jim Carrey, Cher, Tom Cruise, Leonardo Da Vinci, Salvador Dali, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Frost, Bill Gates, Vincent Van Gogh, Whoopi Goldberg, John Grisham, Earnest Hemingway, Michael Jordon, John F. Kennedy, John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln, Mozart, Sir Issac Newton, Picasso, John D. Rockefeller, Eleanor Roosevelt, Babe Ruth, Will Smith, Tom Smothers, Socrates, Suzanne Somers, Steven Spielberg, Ted Turner, Robin Williams, Stevey Wonder, Wright Brothers, and Frank Lloyd Wright.

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