Jean Jacques Machado Promoted to Red/Black Belt

November 20th, 2011 Posted in Art History

Monday June 6th, 2011. One Legend bestows an honor to another. Without doubt, the most renowned Jiu Jitsu master in the world, Rickson Gracie, promotes his cousin, friend and long time student, Master Jean Jacques Machado, in what was an emotionally yet inspiring private ceremony in Los Angeles, California. Professor Machado was bestowed promotion to Red/Black Belt in recognition of his 25 years as a Black Belt Instructor, competitor and world champion. Because I was graciously granted the exclusive rights to record this important moment in the history of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, it is my honor and privilege to share it with the rest of the world. Also included, at the end of the video, is the following open appreciation letter from Mr. Machado to Rickson: …… “How does one adequately express their appreciation to someone who has given them the gift of sight? The ability to see and understand things as they never had before. I am referring to someone in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu world who is known by a single name … “Rickson.” “Before Rickson Gracie I studied Jiu Jitsu, after Rickson Gracie I understood Jiu Jitsu.” Without understanding Jiu Jitsu I would not be who I am today, and knowing this overwhelms me with love and admiration for him, for the wonderful gift he has given me. No matter where or when, Rickson was always there for me. The 5:00 am lessons, the 15 minute instructions in-between his many private classes – a thinker before a fighter, my mentor had gone above

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