Pablo Ruiz Picasso – The Master of 20th Century Art
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Born on October 25, 1881 in the city of Malaga, Spain, Pablo Ruiz Picasso is considered one of the masters of the 20th century art.
Picasso‘s full name is Diego Jose Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiniano de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco y Picasso Lopez. He was the son of José Ruiz y Blasco and Maria Picasso y Lopez. During Picasso‘s early years, he used to sign his name as Ruiz Blasco, taken after his father. Since 1901, he started using his mother’s name whenever he signed his name.
Picassos is attributed to be the founder of Cubism together with Georges Braque. However, during his lifetime, he created an extensive and different body of works such as arts that featured moving representation of beggars, prostitutes, acrobats, and harlequins.
When Picasso was younger, he started as a painter. He firmly believed that for an artist to be considered as a “true artist” one must learn how to paint. Picasso also worked with collage, bronze sculptures, small ceramics, and even written some poetry. When he’s not working, Picassos wanted to be in company of people. In fact, he maintained a good relationship with many of his friends like Andre Breton, Gertrude Stein, and Guillaume Apollinaire among others. Aside from his wife, he also kept a number of mistresses.
Picasso‘s “Guernica” is believed to be his most famous work of art. In the canvas, he depicted the bombing of Germany in Guernica, Spain. Said canvass signified the brutality, hopelessness, and inhumanity of war. At present, “Guernica” is on display at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid, Spain.
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