Famous Artworks of the World

November 1st, 2010 Posted in Vincent van Gogh

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Watching an extraordinary painting made by different colors and patterns could evoke a sense of excitement. Although there could be some artworks that are really hard to understand due to the different stokes and color that were used and its title does not even describe the way it looks like. Then again, the overall beauty, the colors and the theme of the painting can evoke a strong emotion. In this article, you will discover the famous paintings of the world.

Number one in the list of world-famous paintings is the Mona Lisa. It is one of the most-talked about works of Leonardo da Vinci. The Mona Lisa is a painting in oil and known to be a painting of a woman with a mysterious smile. At the present, it is hanged in the Louvre Museum in Paris and it has the most expensive insurance value for a painting.

Vincent Van Gogh also has a popular painting entitled Portrait of Dr. Gachet. It is a painting of Van Gogh‘s doctor, Dr. Gachet. Van Gogh describes the expressions in the painting as “Sad but gentle, yet clear and intelligent.”The Portrait of Dr. Gachet is also included in the list of the most expensive paintings up to this day.

The list of the world’s famous paintings also include The Dream of Pablo Picasso. The Dream is an oil on canvass and it a portrait of a woman Marie Therese with several motifs hidden in the artwork. According to Picasso, the painting was mysteriously done for on the next day after it was finished, he could not even believe that he made it himself.

The oil painting on canvass entitled Sunrise by Claude Monet is considered as one of the renowned paintings of all time. It is considered an impressionist painting and also known as Impression Sunrise. This painting is one of the best impressionist paintings in the world.

These are just some of the most famous artworks in the world. It could be a once in lifetime opportunity to be able to appreciate artworks in their original version. However, its pictures and other replicas can be found in the Internet and other parts of the world. By taking a look at these paintings, you might be enticed to make a painting of your own.

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