Pencil Horse Drawings

November 8th, 2010 Posted in Salvador Dalí

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I’m going to start by saying that I assume you have your pencils, drawing paper and erasers ready, so I’m going to skip all that and plunge right in to show you how you can sketch your horse in just a few minutes.

Yes, I did say in just a few minutes. In fact, it’s important that we complete the sketch as quickly as we can. Why is that so? That’s because unlike a still object (as in drawing still life), live horses move around.

It’s just like trying to draw a baby. Since a baby can’t keep still, and you can’t tell it to keep still, the best time to draw a baby is when it’s asleep.

But we don’t want to draw a sleeping horse do we? We want to draw a real live, energetic and lively horse! And to capture that in your sketch, there’s no better way than to use quick pencil strokes to capture the life, energy and movement of the horses.

There are three specific areas that you need to pay special attention to though. The first area is the eyes, the second is the rippling muscles, and the third (which is the most important) is the hair on the horse.

The eyes of a horse is what makes your sketch comes to life. You start by drawing the body and then add the eyes and the drawing immediately comes to life! Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself!

Secondly, you will have to capture the rippling muscles of the horse to make it look real. Horses are powerful and magnificent looking creatures. The key is to draw them lean and fit. After all, horses do exercise a lot.

And when they prance, trot or gallop, their magnificent mane of hair flows behind them. The mane and the tail makes up a large part of your drawing, so you seriously need to capture the beauty of the flowing hair.

If you can capture these three elements, then I give you an A grade. Now go show off your great looking horse or pony to the whole world!

Related : Personal Transporter. At Segway Painting Instructional welcomeholidayservice

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