Plumbing is a Work of Art

December 21st, 2010 Posted in ebook Art

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Even though plumbing is not generally thought of as an art form, it truly is a study in modern, domestic art.  Where, besides plumbing, can you find the intricate lacing of pipes, glue, drains and traps that all form a hidden collage of functional design that gracefully weaves in and out, over and through an entire structure?  Answer, modern art sculptures.   One of the best parts about it is you can hire a professional or you can enjoy doing it yourself with a little planning and education, just like any other type of art work.

Seriously, can you imagine a world without indoor plumbing?  No hot or cold running water, no toilets, sinks or showers to make our lives less complicated and more hygienic.  It has been less than 100 years ago that many people in America did not have these conveniences that we take for granted and nothing is more frustrating than a toilet that won’t flush or a sink that refuses to drain properly, not to mention a leach line that needs to be repaired or the main sewer lines that need to be cleaned from time to time.

We are extremely fortunate to live in a world where “museums” (aka hardware stores) both large and small are filled with every type of plumbing supplies imaginable, from simple snakes (non-reptilian of course) that will help clean out drains and traps to pipes, tapes pumps and water heaters not to mention the toilets, sinks, showers and tubs that add dimension and beauty to our bathrooms and lavatories.

If, on the other hand, you feel that you are lacking in this particular art form you can commission the work to be done by a revered and licensed professional who has conquered the ability to make sense of the intricate designs beneath your home or business as well as within the framework of the walls and appliances.  These dedicated men and women can assess the changes that you might need to make in order for your water works to run free and clear, allowing you to flush away your troubles with ease and clarity.

Yes, no matter how you look at it, plumbing truly is a magnificent work of domestic and very modern art.

Thanks To : Kindle Store eBook Solar power Mailbox Sale


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